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"Moono" Skin ==================== This skin has been chosen for the **default skin** of CKEditor 4.x, elected from the CKEditor [skin contest]( and further shaped by the CKEditor team. "Moono" is maintained by the core developers. For more information about skins, please check the [CKEditor Skin SDK]( documentation. Features ------------------- "Moono" is a monochromatic skin, which offers a modern look coupled with gradients and transparency. It comes with the following features: - Chameleon feature with brightness, - high-contrast compatibility, - graphics source provided in SVG. Directory Structure ------------------- CSS parts: - **editor.css**: the main CSS file. It's simply loading several other files, for easier maintenance, - **mainui.css**: the file contains styles of entire editor outline structures, - **toolbar.css**: the file contains styles of the editor toolbar space (top), - **richcombo.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo ui elements on toolbar, - **panel.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo drop-down, it's not loaded until the first panel open up, - **elementspath.css**: the file contains styles of the editor elements path bar (bottom), - **menu.css**: the file contains styles of all editor menus including context menu and button drop-down, it's not loaded until the first menu open up, - **dialog.css**: the CSS files for the dialog UI, it's not loaded until the first dialog open, - **reset.css**: the file defines the basis of style resets among all editor UI spaces, - **preset.css**: the file defines the default styles of some UI elements reflecting the skin preference, - **editor_XYZ.css** and **dialog_XYZ.css**: browser specific CSS hacks. Other parts: - **skin.js**: the only JavaScript part of the skin that registers the skin, its browser specific files and its icons and defines the Chameleon feature, - **icons/**: contains all skin defined icons, - **images/**: contains a fill general used images, - **dev/**: contains SVG source of the skin icons. License ------- Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice: [GPL](, [LGPL]( and [MPL]( See for more information.